9 de setembro de 2012

Grécia: fascismo avança

Em mensagem reproduzida na lista americana de notícias Marxism, pelo professor canadense Michael A. Lebowitz < mlebowit@sfu.ca >, o militante grego Yorgos Mitralias comunica que pesquisa divulgada a 7 de setembro indica que o movimento neonazista Aurora Dourada conta com o apoio de 12 por cento da opinião pública da Grécia, tendo assim se tornado um fator de peso na política grega. Mitralias nota que, ao contrário de seus congêneres na França, Bélgica e outros países europeus, o Aurora Dourada já está "empreendendo publicamente a liquidação física de imigrantes, ciganos, minorias nacionais (notadamente os turcos da Trácia), homossexuais e militantes de esquerda", enquanto "os cadáveres se acumulam". Acrescenta Mitralias que o deputado neonazista Artemios Matheopolios é baixista da banda "Pogrom", que toca a canção "Auschwitz", que canta "Foda-se Wiesenthal, foda-se Anne Frank,/ foda-se a raça de Abraão./ A estrela de Davi me faz vomitar;/ oh, Auschwitz, como eu te amo". Eis a íntegra de mensagem de Mitralia, em inglês: /*A survey published yesterday (7/9/2012) confirms the continuous rise of the Golden Dawn neo-nazis. They are credited with 12% of vote intentions far ahead of the PASOK (7.5%) and other minor parties (the Democratic Left would obtain 4% and the Communist Party 6%). Syriza comes first with 30% ahead of New Democracy - credited with 28%. Nobody can pretend anymore that Golden Dawn is a "temporary phenomenon" and that there is no direct threat to workers movements and the left. */ /*Indeed, a common misconception regarding the nature of Golden Dawn needs to be debunked. Golden Dawn has absolutely nothing in common with the French National Front of the Le Pen family, nor with Vlamms Belang in Belgium, nor even with any far right party of the post-1945 Europe. Golden Dawn is already publicly undertaking the physical liquidation of immigrants, gypsies, national minorities (notably the Turcs of Thrace), homosexuals and militants of the left. The constant aggressions are following one another and dead corpses are accumulating. */ /* */ /*As for the ideology of Golden Dawn, here is a "testimony" which speaks for itself: the neonazi deputy (!) Artemios Matheopoulos, bassist of a band named "Pogrom" (!), has composed songs with "eloquent" lyrics. Here is a sample - a song called "Auschwitz": */ / / // /Fuck Wiesenthal fuck Anna Frank / /fuck Abraham's race David's Star makes me puke ah, Auschwitz how I love you! You, shit Jews, I will not leave you on the Wailing Wall, I will rather piss on you Juden Raus! I am burning in Auschwitz.../ /* So Comrades, will we remain spectators to the repetition of the 1920s and 1930s European tragedy? Will we -at last - mobilize in a unitary anti-fascist mass struggle on a continental scale? And do not forget: time is desperately pressing. */ /*Antifascist salutations, */ /* */ /*Yorgos Mitralias*/

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